North American Indigenous Games | Team BC & NT


K Design Studio proudly worked alongside vbs apparel & I•SPARC (Indigenous Sport, Physical Activity & Recreation Council) to design all 16 team uniforms and opening ceremony jackets for Team British Columbia (BC), and official Team Northwest Territories (NT) athletes’ shirts for the 2023 North American Indigenous Games (NAIG) held in Nova Scotia, Canada. These designs were worn by over 250 athletes and coaches who competed in the games!
K Design aimed to have their branding and stories come alive! The design process took hundreds of hours to research, design and work with the committees to create custom, unique sublimation printed apparel that would bring meaning and pride to the athletes.
The sublimation styling of the jerseys allowed us to have more freedom with the design, so we integrated some subtle texturing and elements to take it to the next level. We also designed all the different teams’ jersey to visually look cohesive together, as a well branding series. We created elements to tie them all together, so when they walked together, you would know they belonged together.
The amazing quality of manufacturing and custom sizing of all apparel for each of the hundreds of athletes, was no small feat, and was under extremely tight deadlines. Kudos to vbs apparel for their stellar job coordinating and manufacturing all.
K Design Studio now has years of experience designing team, club and event uniforms, warm-ups, souvenirs and memorabilia under our very fit design belt! We can connect you to some of our esteemed manufacturers, or work along side your current companies. Here are some of the most popular sport designs we’ve created:

  • Volleyball (Indoor & Beach)
  • Basketball
  • Lacrosse & Soccer
  • Hockey
  • Track & Field
  • Baseball
  • Badminton
  • Rowing & Archery
  • Video Gaming
  • Gym uniforms & Alumni shirts
  • Souvenir apparel (shirts, caps etc.)
  • Event & sponsor banners
  • Event, team, school & club branding packages
  • ..and MUCH more!
    Other sports designs by K Design Studio
    More info on NAIG Events
    More info on I•SPARC

    Apparel visuals

    Our designs…and athletes wearing them!
    See slide show above for before and afters.
    Click here for the Team BC video: YouTube | NAIG 2023 Team BC
    Team BC group pics:


    Client Comments

    Andrew Mack, ISPARC – Team BC, Operations Manager

    Thank you for such beautiful designs. The team was pretty excited by them!