Toronto Zoo Pandamania

Toronto Zoo Custom Panda Products
Kristine has been happily playing in Pandaland through the last couple months. She has been creating new baby panda illustration concepts and product designs for the Toronto Zoo’s souvenir shops to celebrate their new Panda exhibit. There has been quite the hype in the city around these big furry critters!
The ‘Plump Panda’, as we affectionally call it, won paws down!
Our Panda t-shirts, onesies + fleece tops are all now available at the Toronto Zoo souvenir shops. Visuals are below. Mugs, keychains, magnets, caps and winter accessories will also be rolling in for the fall.
Join in on the Pandamania!
Note: All designs and sales were coordinated through Stone Age.
Currently in-store for purchase at Toronto Zoo
ps- Thanks to photographer Doug Misner for the REAL Panda pics from the opening day at the Toronto Zoo below
Kudos notes
Beverly Korodetz, Owner, Stone Age:
Looks amazing. Will forward to the zoo this weekend.
Thanks for doing such a great job. Client is excited!
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