Submerged in Nature

Parks Canada Product Designs
Our green thumbs have gone wild! We are very proud to be the product + package design company for Parks Canada since Nov 2013, working along side their National Distributor, Cotton Candy.
You can now check out + purchase our new products + funky swag online here, or at a National Park near you. (website also designed by K Design Studio)
All online purchases support national parks, marine conservation areas and historic sites.
(note- new website design by K Design as well- launched Jan 2014)
Below are a bunch of our designs. A brand new custom illustrated ‘Signature Series’ product line is also in the works to be launched 2014 within 20+ different Parks. Stay tuned for more wild things to come your way!
Proof we created the illustrations ourselves. Snap shot of the designs in progress!
Product Development for the new Parka Mascot
Geneviève Garceau, Agente de la marque, produits dérivés | Brand Officer, Merchandise
Parcs Canada | Parks Canada
We love the design!! So unique and cool 🙂
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